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Instructions for Student

  1. Double-check with your academic advisor and confirm that you need to complete this proficiency exam for the foreign language requirements
  2.  Check your schedule and select the exam time that works best for you. Sign up for testing here. Please pay attention that ALL DATES AND TIMES are US Eastern Standard Times. If none of the times in the table work for you, please let the examiner know.
  3.  Pay the fee of $60 at NCPE PAYMENT
  4.  Download and fill out the registration form (see above). Fill out the top part of the first page and the student signature section of the second page (you may type your name for the signature.) If you have any difficulty with downloading the form, please email Mary Price.
  5.  Once you have finished making the payment and filling out the registration form, email the  Department Administrative Assistant Ms. Mary Price ( with the following:
    • attach your email receipt from the $60 payment  and attach your registration form
    • let Ms. Mary Price know which date and time you have signed up to take the exam
  6.  You will meet with Professor Haruko Iwami via Teams on the day of testing.


If you can read and understand the paragraph above, you are well beyond the 12th credit level. As it says, you and I will speak, you will read a news article, and write a short essay when we meet. The news article will be at the level of this website. If you have any further questions, please ask.

- Haruko Iwami, Associate Teaching Professor of Japanese

Questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us.